A Study of Technology Innovation Affecting UAE Public Health Care Organisational performance


  • Ayesha Salem Mohammed Hassan Abdulla Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
  • Samer Ali Al-shami Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka


Objective: Innovative technology is critical for improving the UAE's healthcare performance. Healthcare professionals can streamline administrative chores, improve patient care, and reduce medical errors by incorporating modern technologies and systems. Technology-enabled solutions can also improve data analysis, facilitate evidence-based practices, and empower healthcare providers to provide more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment strategies. Hence, this study was carried out to formulate a prediction multi-linear regression model of technology innovation dimensions affecting UAE public health care organizational performance.   

Research Method: Data was collected through a questionnaire survey among the employees of UAE public. A total of 398 completed questionnaire sets were used to formulate the equation model. 

Findings: It was found that the multi-linear regression equation model attained 0.529 degrees of fitness which is considered good. 

Originality: This equation model can be applied to measure the UAE public health care organizational performance by inserting the three variables’ values namely Organization Innovation Capabilities; Potential Absorptivity Knowledge; and Interaction with Technology. Hopefully, the outcomes of this research contribute to the body of knowledge and to the community of UAE public health care organizations




How to Cite

Abdulla, A. S. M. H., & Al-shami, S. A. (2023). A Study of Technology Innovation Affecting UAE Public Health Care Organisational performance. Tropical Scientific Journal, 2(2), 114–129. Retrieved from https://scientificacademic.com/index.php/tsj/article/view/23


